Lom Pangar Dam Project
Completion Date
Work scope:
A mixed type dam (gravity dam at center connected with earth-rockfill dam at the sides), with a maximum height of 46 m and total length of 1350m;
A main gated spillway comprising 4 passes of 8.75 m wide, equipped with segment valves;
An emergency spillway consisting of an 11 m wide pass fitted with a fusible link;
Flow regulation structures equipped with three bottom outlets, including environmental flow;
The water intake structure and four 2.5 m diameter penstocks encased in concrete;
All of the hydro-mechanical and electrical equipment for the dam and water intake.
Specific technical assistance to solve particular design and construction issues;
External communications with the Owner and the Engineer for technical and construction issues;
Technical assistance to the approval process of equipment characteristics, fabrication, inspection, installation, commissioning and O&M manuals for hydro-mechanical;
Technical support for the claim of the whole project;